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in the line of duty
皇家师姐4 皇家师姐iv直击证人 皇家师姐Ⅲ-雌雄大盗  detail>>
in the line of duty Ⅳ
皇家师姐Ⅳ-直击证人  detail>>
line of duty
值勤, 公务  detail>>
the line of duty
履行职责, 尽职 值勤  detail>>
death in line of duty
因公殉职, 因公死亡  detail>>
disability in line of duty
因公残废  detail>>
in the line of duty iv
皇家师姐iv直击证人 皇家师姐Ⅳ直击证人  detail>>
be on duty
当班 执勤 值班,值日,在上班时  detail>>
 n.  1.义务,本份;责任;职责,职务,职能。 2.忠节,孝顺;恭敬,尊敬,敬意;义,谊。 3.税,关税;【机械工程】功;能率;灌溉率;负荷,生产...  detail>>
on duty
轮流值日 上班的,在值班的 义务责任 在上班(的),在值班(的) 在值日 值班,上班 值班,当班 值勤班 值日,值班  detail>>
a duty allowance
职工津贴  detail>>
a duty and pleasure
既是一种职责又是一种快乐  detail>>
a duty call
礼节上的访问  detail>>
a guard on duty
值勤的警卫  detail>>
a nurse on duty
当班护士  detail>>
a royal duty
王室责任 王室职责  detail>>
a sacred duty
神圣义务  detail>>
a tour of duty
值班, 值日勤务  detail>>